Increasing barley yield
The objectives of the experiment included:
- Conduct a small-plot experiment on dark gray forest soils with barley sowing;
- Conduct related observations and records;
- Determine the yield of barley grain;
- Calculate the economic efficiency of using the BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ bioproduct in various phases of
the barley growing season.
Description of the experiment
The experiment was laid on the dark gray forest soil of the Stavropolskoye educational and experimental farm. The area of each of the above 5 options was 1.5 sq.m. (1x1.5m). 37.5 g of barley seeds were sown in each plot at a depth of 4-5 cm. The plot was divided into 6 grooves and the seeds were sown evenly by hand. After sowing, the rows were leveled and the area was compacted. We used barley seeds of the Suzdalets variety.
Sowing was carried out on April 31, 2017. During the growing season, the timing of the onset of phenological phases was taken into account, which did not differ significantly among the experimental variants. Barley harvesting was carried out on July 17, 2017 by mowing plants from each plot, tying them into sheaves, followed by threshing on a selection thresher.
Sowing barley according to the usual scheme without adding the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (control).

Improved barley harvest structure
The data from our experimental studies showed that the addition of an aqueous solution of the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (1:5) according to the experimental options significantly improved the growing conditions of barley. This was manifested in an increase in tillering, yield and improvement in seed quality compared to the option without the use of the BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ bioproduct. Thus, the introduction of an aqueous solution of the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (1:5)according to the experimental variants significantly increased the number of productive stems per 1 sq.m. by 52 - 167 pcs., the number of productive stems by 89 - 217 pcs., the number of grains in an ear by 0.4 - 0.5 pcs., the weight of 1000 seeds by 1-5 g compared with the control option.

barley yield

Main conclusions:
- Adding an aqueous solution of BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (1:5) to the soil, pre-soaking seeds in it before sowing and spraying it during the growing season has a positive effect on the agrochemical and agrophysical properties of the soil and helps to increase its fertility.
- Based on the conducted research, it can be stated that using an aqueous solution of BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (1:5) in production conditions when growing grain crops will significantly improve product quality and yield.
- Calculation of economic efficiency showed that the use of an aqueous solution of BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (1:5) when cultivating barley contributes to a significant increase in the level of profitability, as the main indicator of economic efficiency.
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