Our services
We are confident that you will be able to find a solution for your particular problem throughout the variety
of the services offered by BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ company.
Treatment of water bodies
In a short time and on a turnkey basis, we will relieve you of the problem of “blooming” of blue-green algae(cyanobacteria) and treat your water body of organic pollutants, heavy metals and pathogenic microflora. We guarantee 100% results!

Displacement of cyanobacteria
The bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ displaces blue-green algae from water bodies. Water bodies are
guaranteed not to “bloom”.

Removing contaminants
The bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ effectively treats water bodies of organic pollutants, heavy metals and
pathogens, as a result of which the water becomes clearer and the unpleasant odor disappears.
- Real results in short time
- Absolutely safe technology
- Cheaper than any other methods
- Easy to use and guaranteed results
- 100% green technology - No chemicals
Sewage treatment
Effective and inexpensive turnkey treatment of sewage settling ponds (lagoons) from organic and mineral pollutants and pathogenic microflora.

Removal of organic pollutants
The bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ effectively treats settling ponds (lagoons) of organic pollutants, as a result
of which the water becomes clearer and the unpleasant odor disappears.

Destruction of pathogenic microflora
The biological product BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ effectively and quickly destroys pathogenic microflora due to the production of a strong natural phytobiotics.
- Inexpensive alternative to aeration tanks
- Reduced CO2 emissions
- Sewage into liquid fertilizer
- Environmental green technology
- Has no economic alternative
And much more ...

Increasing fish productivity
Real increase in the percentage of survival of fish fry, increase in the amount of molecular oxygen in water
and increase in fish productivity of fish farms by 20% or more.

Increasing crop yields
Reducing the consumption of mineral fertilizers while increasing crop yields. Improving the appearance and
taste of finished products.

Increasing poultry productivity
A real increase in the productivity of your poultry farm. Green solution - no chemicals.

Increasing livestock productivity
Increasing productivity in livestock farming. Unique green biotechnology.

Increasing beekeeping productivity
Increasing productivity in beekeeping. Let us prepare your bees for intensive organic honey production.

Healthy mind in a healthy body
Discover the incredible capabilities of the living cell of green microalgae and enjoy a new quality of life today!
We are open to business proposals. Let's make our world better, safer and cleaner together!
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