Increasing productivity in poultry farming
The objectives of the experiment included:
- Conduct the experiment from the hatching egg to the broilers before slaughter;
- To determine the effect of the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ on the incubation properties of eggs and the further development of broilers;
- To determine the effect of the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ on the mortality and weight gain of broilers, as well as the presentation and taste of the finished product.
Description of the experiment
The experiments were carried out in the production conditions of JSC «Vasilyevskaya Poultry Farm» in April-May 2019.
For the breeding stock of laying hens, tray drinkers were installed next to the flow-through drinkers, into which 30-40 liters of the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ were added daily at the rate of 40-50 ml per head. The experiment was carried out in one workshop, half of which was experimental, where laying hens were fed with the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ , the other half - control (the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ was not used). Eggs were counted and collected separately from the experimental and control groups. In total, 4 thousand birds were involved in the experiment. The duration of the experiment was 30 days.
Broilers were fed the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ from the first day of growing. The feeding rate increased from 5 ml at the beginning to 30 ml per head at the end of the experiment. The duration of the experiment was 42 days. The bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ in the experimental group was fed in such a way as not to make changes to the existing technology for raising broilers. Every week, chickens in control and experimental cages were weighed. 14 broilers were placed in each cage; the experimental conditions were the same.
There were 3625 eggs of the control group for incubation.

Impact on incubation properties

Impact on mortality and weight gain

Final results
Main conclusions:
Thus, the use of bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ in poultry farming allows:
- Improve the incubation properties of eggs and increase the yield of chickens by 25%;
- Increase weight gain during fattening of broilers by 10.7% and reduction in mortality to 2%;
- Increase the slaughter weight of broilers by 20% (without additional costs for feed).
- Receive organic products of high quality and taste
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