Increasing fish productivity in the fish farm «Big Fish Farm»
The objectives of the experiment included:
- Conduct biological rehabilitation of a pond with carp fry using BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ biotechnology;
- Conduct related observations and records;
- Increase the safety of carp fingerlings;
- Increased weight gain of carp fingerlings;
- Increasing fish productivity in the fish farm.
Description of the experiment
The experiment was carried out on 3 ponds (each 1 hectare in size) with carp fingerlings for 100 days (from May 15 to August 25, 2020) on the territory of the Big Fish Farm (Rostov region). It was decided to study the complex effect of the bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ on fingerling carp and on the quality of water in a pond with carp.
For these purposes, the ponds were divided into 2 categories: 2 control ponds and 1 experimental pond. In all ponds, the fish were fed Skretting (France) feed in accordance with generally accepted norms. In the first (control) pond, young carp received only the above-mentioned feed. In the second (control) pond, the carp, in addition to feed, received the feed additive GrowAqua (XVET, Germany) to stimulate growth and increase body weight. In the third (experimental) pond, at the beginning of the experiment, 150 liters of BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ bioproduct was added to the water, and BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ concentrate was added to the above-mentioned feed 15 minutes before feeding the fish at each feeding in a volume of 4% of the feed volume. In each pond, the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water was measured weekly using a REX mobile oximeter (Chine).
After 100 days of the experiment, the following results were obtained:
The pond with 4000 carp fingerlings. Conventional feeding system. Typical conditions in a pond.
The pond with 4000 carp fingerlings. Traditional feeding system + growth and weight stimulator. Typical pond conditions.
The pond with 4000 carp fingerlings. Traditional feeding system + BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ concentrate (4% of feed volume). Application of BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ biotechnology for pond treatment.

Average weight of fingerlings

Amount of dissolved oxygen

Survival rate of carp fingerlings
Main conclusions:
The combined use of the BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ bioproduct (simultaneous addition to a fish pond and fish feed) allows you to achieve the following results in fish farming:
- Significantly increase weight gain (up to 70% or more);
- Significantly increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in fish ponds (up to 70% or more);
- Significantly increase the survival rate of juvenile fish (up to 96%)
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