Bioproduct BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ is a valuable natural feed additive and effective biostimulant in beekeeping.
What problems does it solve?
- Increasing the productivity of bee colonies
- Increasing the safety of bee colonies from diseases
- Increasing the resistance of bees to pesticides
- Increasing the survival rate of bee colonies in winter
How does it work?
The unique biochemical composition of the BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ bioproduct helps to increase the biological activity of bees, which leads to an increase in the reserve potential of the bee colony during the honey collection process, an increase in immunity and a decrease in the incidence of bacterial and viral disease, and also increases the survival rate of bees in the winter.

Increasing the brood of bees
Feeding bees with our bioproduct has a positive effect on the amount of brood grown, and the life expectancy of bees.

Ease of use
Sugar syrup with BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ (in a 1:1 ratio) is fed to bees through drinkers or empty honeycombs at the rate of 1 liter per family. This is enough for the queen to immediately begin actively laying eggs, and for the bee colony to quickly gain strength.

Biological value of BIOCHLOFEEDⓇ
The fact of stimulating bee colonies with the help of our bioproduct once again confirms its high biological value, which is clearly manifested even against
the backdrop of such unique natural products as nectar, pollen and propolis that bees use.

High quality honey
The use of our bioproduct as a feed additive for bees increases the nutritional value of honey and improves its taste.
Our main advantages
- Increase honey production by 40% or more
- Increasing the immunity and performance of bees throughout the season
- Absolutely organic bioproduct - no chemicals or synthetic substances
- Has no economic alternative
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